​Ruin Me 0.22.1 Free with Outfits! 0.23.0 Up for Patrons with a Threesome and Tattoos

Hi, perverts! I've released a new patron version of Ruin Me, which extends the Reform Institute and adds the ability to mark Theresa's body. That means the last version is free for everyone, adding customizable outfits and a new play scene.

Please note: to upgrade on desktop, unzip the archive into a new directory. Your saves should carry over. Do not unzip over the previous version, as this can cause bugs.

If you want behind-the-scenes design notes, previews of upcoming releases, new versions as soon as they're released, or the ability to vote in polls to decide what I develop next, sign up to my Patreon!

The new patron version is 0.23.0p and adds:

  • A scene where Theresa updates you on what she's learned about the Reform Institute in the beginning of Act III, accessible in Dr. Harvey's office in the old chapel.
  • The ability to customize the Reform Institute, unlocked by the above scene. There are four different aspects you can improve.
  • A new minor ruination, "Rescue a Boston Marriage", letting you help a couple regain their intimacy. It's available in the cellar of the Reform Institute in Act III once Theresa has informed you about the "birds".
  • Temporary body marking, unlocked by speaking to Pappy in the drugstore. Theresa will let you apply certain markings once her Depravity or Permissivity is 2 or 3; talk to her in her chambers.
  • Assorted minor revisions and fixes.

Version 0.22.1 is now public, adding:

  • A play scene: "Kiss Theresa as you masturbate each other", available at Experience 2 and Permissivity 1.
  • Outfit customization for Theresa, available in her chambers and unlocked by stat requirements or events that introduce outfits.
  • Previously-existing outfits are her normal dress, her négligée, the caving outfit, and nudity.
  • Additional outfits: a short, beaded fringe dress; an investigator outfit with suspenders; and mesh lingerie. They are available in a new exploration location outside town, purchasable with Ken.
  • Alternate narration for Theresa's first wearing of her négligée, for screenreaders and folks with images off.
  • Revisions to existing scenes with Theresa to account for her potentially being already naked.
  • An almost complete rework of Theresa's standard standing pose.
  • An improvement to Meg's artwork.

If you sign up to be my patron at the $2/month level or higher, you get access to new builds as soon as they're done, plus the Reminisce feature that lets you replay old sex scenes without the trouble of rollback or save games. 0.23.x will be available to everyone once the next patron-only build is up. If you want to contribute to the game's development, please become a supporter on Patreon!


RuinMe-0.22.1-pc.zip 58 MB
Jul 30, 2020
RuinMe-0.22.1-mac.zip 41 MB
Jul 30, 2020
com.phanes.ruinme-22001-universal-release.apk 60 MB
Jul 30, 2020

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