Ruin Me 0.12.1 Public! 0.13.0 Up for Patrons With The Momentary Cabin

Hello, perverts! The latest version of Ruin Me is now available for patrons, adding a horror expedition about loneliness and a new sex scene with an NPC. As a result, the previous version is up for everyone, adding a continuation of the Byatis story.

Please note: to upgrade on desktop, unzip the archive into a new directory. Your saves should carry over. Do not unzip over the previous version, as this can cause bugs.

If you want behind-the-scenes design notes, previews of upcoming releases, new versions as soon as they're released, or the ability to vote in polls to decide what I develop next, sign up to my Patreon!

Version 0.13.0 is up for patrons and adds:

  • A new horror expedition, "The Momentary Cabin", featuring the horror of social isolation: accessible in Act 2 by spending Ken when exploring outside town
  • A play scene with Arthur Hitchup, accessible at his bookstore, with an erotic poetry reading
  • A full revision of Arthur's character art
  • A change to the default player character first name, selected if you leave the field blank

Version 0.12.1 is public and adds:

  • The "Diritta Via" story sequence, letting you get hired at the Reform Institute, unlocked after the Ritual of Agrat
  • A piece of art for the crystal you find during The Moaning Hole expedition
  • A minor revision of Meg's facial expression art and fixes for minor issues with her play sequence
  • An extra hint when returning to Theresa at the end of Act 1 before finding Esther
  • An option to report your findings to Pappy after the end of "The Sacrificed God"
  • Tracking of Theresa's orgasms in the Manual Sex in Bondage play scene, used elsewhere in the game
  • Fixes for a few misspellings

If you sign up to be my patron at the $2/month level or higher, you get access to new builds as soon as they're done, plus the Reminisce feature that lets you replay old sex scenes without the trouble of rollback or save games. 0.11.x will be available to everyone once the next patron-only build is up. If you want to contribute to the game's development, please become a supporter on Patreon!

Files 56 MB
May 07, 2020 38 MB
May 07, 2020
com.phanes.ruinme-12001-universal-release.apk 57 MB
May 07, 2020

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